Wheatgrass has become one of my best friends lately. I am on a role of going to Jamba Juice every day and getting this daily two ounce drink. Some may wonder why I don't just save money and juice it myself. I tried that once and we'll leave that at once! I thought I would put my juicer to work and juice it myself. A huge carton of about three pounds (valued at about 6.00 at heathfood store) produced about 2 ounces of juice and a huge mess. It took me a very long time to clean the juicer. The price of a once ounce is 1.95 and two ounce is 3.25. I just learned that two ounces of this juice is equivalent to three pounds of veggies. Wow, I think I am sold on getting this juice. Their are so many detoxing benefits of wheatgrass. Numerous books have been ritten on the benefits of this juice. Is it worth the 3.25 I spend on this juice daily? Totally!!