I remember watching this show as a kid called, Doogie Howser, MD. You know the show with Neil Patrick Harris? One of the things I admired about him in the show was how organized he was as a kid doctor. My favorite part of the show was how he went to his room every night and wrote about his day on his 90's computer. I wanted to be just like that one day. When I started this blog, I had every intention to write a nightly journal post about my day or just anything I wanted to remember. Life got busy and I became a very lazy blogger and just got out of the routine. I decided I wanted a record one day and have something to pass through the generations and that is where I am at this point. There are days I have absolutely nothing to write about, but my goal is to write words of wisdom, life lessons, and things I want Sunny to learn in life (mistakes I made that I don't want her to make). Today I decided to write about a before and after sequence. My goal for this fall season is MOTIVATION. So far, I have not let myself down. With my new lifestyle, it feels mornings are a bit rushed. Every morning has been the same routine of rushing out the door, going to workout routines, visiting family nearby and home for lunch, errands, and dinner prep. With zero naps still going strong, I tend to put on a show for sunny while I clean the house, do laundry, etc. There is one room that is often neglected, the bedroom.

My house is generally clean. The kitchen, bathroom, and living room are almost always spotless. The one part of my house that has never been very clean is my bedroom and closets.I have never been one to enjoy folding laundry. I loathe it. I usually just stuff everything in the drawer. I figure it is in a drawer, it doesn't matter, nobody sees it. Rodney is such an expert at folding laundry. He has the patience to sit and fold, something I never have. Even as a child I would never want to fold clothes, or hang them up for that matter. Clothes were often stuffed under beds or hidden from my mother so my room would appear clean. My mother grew up in the 50s. To be a slob in that generation was almost unheard of. She was taught to fold bed sheets until they were tight, to fold clothes with precision, and housewives were expected to keep the house in order.

I love to be neat, and the rest of my house shows it. I am not proud of this disastrous looking bedroom. Cleanliness is Godliness and today I decided things needed to change.The bed, that is hardly ever made, would start being made. The laundry, that is often stuffed in drawers and closets, would be folded, properly. Drawers, that are unorganized, would from here on out, be organized. What is my biggest motivating factor. Sunny. She is getting old enough to know what is going on. I don't want to be that poor example of a mother to her. I want her to grow up and take pride in what she does, not pass through life in a hurry, or have excuses for everything, like I do. She will be reading this journal one-day, and I want her to know that although motherhood is a busy season of life, that regardless, even a mother can slow down and take pride in what she does. We all have change in us and today is that day. Today, I pledge to keep our bedroom clean, to make the bed every morning, to fold clothes properly, and to slow down.

Now, here is where I decided to start. My closet is full of clothes and shoes for all seasons. I decided to get rid of all spring/summer shoes and keep mostly fall. While it's mostly warmer here in the fall, I decided to still put spring/summer colors away and keep all fall color tones in my closet. I love these storage bins. After I labeled them, I put them under my bed.

My closet feels more functional and season appropriate. I can get used to this. :)

One helpful tip I like to do is group tops by color. I also like to keep pants, dresses, and skirts grouped as well. I have a few pants I like to fold and keep on top shelf for better visual.
Now, here are some more after pictures. What a difference. My life already feels more organized.

I'm pretty proud of my work! I managed to do this in less then 2 hours.

She's fall ready. Now I need to tackle her messy room.