Sundays are by far my favorite day of the week. I look forward to this day all week because I love being lazy and having that little time to myself. I love being able to feel spiritually charged as well and take home valuable teachings and lessons I learn in church. I love being able to see people every week at church. I just love everything about Sunday. I love to visit people and having my mom just up the street is often the first place we go. Sunny is starting to say, "Nama's house, Nama's house" and everytime we get in the car, she asks to go there. Today, we packed up the stroller and headed over to visit her.

Sunny loves everything about grandma's house. Grandma knows that when toddler enter's her territory, nice house get's a little messy. But cleaning up after ourselves is a given, as we all know that grandma's house must always be tidy. Sunny loves grandma's house for many reasons. It is a time for her to do art and see grandma's new stuff. Often grandma shows us her things she bought and then we do a little artwork and then it's off to play outside.

Sunny is so busy playing, that she doesn't ever bother asking to nurse. It's been one week since I finally put my foot down and decided it was time to wean Sunny from Nursing. As she is geting close to 2.5 years old, I figured it was time. Nursing has been a wonderful experience, and it is bitter sweat saying goodbye to it. Part of me doesn't want to say goodbye to the babyhood that passed, but Sunny is growing up and it's about time I started accepting it.

I never had any intentions of nursing her as long as I did. While every woman has a different experience with nursing, mine was mostly good with a few negatives. The biggest negative was feeling very dehydrated and depleted all the time. I never could get enough water it seemed.

So, here is how Sunny is doing with this weaning thing. I must add that it was not done cold turkey. I refused to just shut it off like that. Rather, I did a decrease. She went from nursing 4-5 times a day, down to twice a day, Monday-Wednesday and then from there to Sunday (today), only once a day, and that is where she is at now. She nurses at bedtime only. The hardest part has been her constant asking and begging. She is talking all the time time in full sentences, something that just seemed to happen overnight. She will come up to me and say, "I wan't to nurse." I will say to her, "You are a big girl, not a baby, and big girl's don't nurse." This seemed to agitate her and she would run off and throw a tantrum.

Another big issue is that I have been putting Sunny in her own bed at night after she nurses to sleep and she has been waking up between 2-3 am to get in bed with us and nurse. She has cried herself to sleep each time. A few weeks ago, I got her a nursing transition bottle. I have been giving her the bottle with milk and giving that to her in place of nursing and she has done fine on most occasions.

My plans for this week are to continue the bedtime only nursing. The progress we have both made is great in terms of where we were before. My goal is to have Sunny be able to put herself to sleep without having to nurse and to be able to comfort herself. I believe she struggles doing this and is my fault completely. I guess you live and learn. I always heard that we make better mother's the second time around and I think that comes from trial and error/living and learning. I know she is closer to being weaned. Each day, she is asking less and less and is getting more interested in other foods to fulfill her. My goal is that within a month, she will be weaned 100%.