For years, we have had the goal of living a life debt free. It tooks years of saving, hardcore budgeting, but we finally did it!
Anyone can do it. It's not easy to say the least.
In several conference talks, the prophet said certain debts are acceptable, such as school, home and car.
1. We are now 100% out of debt, excluding a home loan. We have no car loans, no credit card debt, no student loan debt, zero bills at all! Just one home loan. We both feel so free.
It hasn't always been easy for me to manage money, but after reading up on how to save for your future, I have turned a bit frugal. This is a good thing. I like it.
Another positive is:
2. Being a stay at home mom. I feel so grateful for this opportunity. I didn't always feel this way. I yearned to go back to teaching when Sunny was 18 months, but after considering a huge portion of my paycheck would cover the high cost of daycare, we decided it was better I stay at home. I realize this is something not all mother's have the privilege of doing, and I am beyond grateful.
3. A hard working husband. Rodney is so quick minded. I still haven't found something he can't do or fix. His memory is unbelievable. He can remember the smallest of details which is a huge bonus and why he flies through his schooling.
His brilliant mind can do just about anything. He is saving us a lot of money because he knows a lot about construction and building, and is tackling this job of building a shed like a pro.
When we moved into our home last April, we striped our home of everything, except for bathtub, toilet and closets. The cost of hiring a crew was thousands. Doing it ourselves saved big time. I obviously had to learn a lot, but it made it so much more personal doing it on our own. My only regret is doing crown molding in our living room. I was fixated on the idea of it for a long time. It was an extra expense and not really necessary when I think of it.
4. Lemons: I finally got rid of all my winter decor and put out the spring. Decorating with fake lemons does add a degree of brightness to our home. I found this stuff at dollar store, Michaels, a thrift store in town, and DI. The idea for this came from lemon decor ideas I just googled one day.
This one above is not my own creation, but one of the ideas I googled. I decided to recreate a similiar look. Source: unknown.
This is what I came up with in my kitchen.
This is a refreshing site. It makes me feel like I'm in a tropical resort. Maybe a cute lemonade display would be fun too.
5. My good friend had her baby boy on Friday. After several impromptu afternoon walks during the week to speed that labor along, we realized, this baby boy had a mind of his own. He was 5 days late, but he's finally here. And look at how adorable she is rockin' that baby bump.
We are finally getting around to checking off more goals for our house. Getting grass and trees planted will be accomplished this month. Sunny will finally have a backyard to play in.
Speaking of Sunny, she is still having red hot flare ups in her cheeks and has been saying she has tummy aches. I think it's about time she goes in for allergy tests.