
Whatever Will Be, Will Be

I am so thankful to be a woman in the gospel. My ward is like my family. Each week I see the same familiar faces and I instantly feel peace and security.  There is just something so calming about having a ward family. We call each other brother and sister in our ward for a reason. We really are siblings to each other.  We have each other.

I know my ward family will always be there for me. How comforting to know.

I am so thankful to have my mother in my ward. I am so thankful she can pick up Sunny occasionally and take her out for pizza, ice cream and movies, giving me that little extra break I need.

Speaking of Sunny:
Sunny has decided to start going potty in her pants.  yep, it's been fun around here.  Not only will she not use a real toilet, but refuses to use a public one.  This means we either put an expensive pull-up on her, or she just freely goes outside, hippie style.

This child of mine has a real stubborn personality.  I mean to the extreme.  I knew that when she was 2.5 years old and still wouldn't give up nursing,  no matter how worn out I was trying to make her stop.

I also knew how stubborn she was when she wouldn't try any new foods and only stuck to her 7 staples she eats on repeat.

I knew her refusal to take naps was part of ger stubborn disposition as well. No matter how long I would lay with her to help her sleep.

It never would happen.

Sunny, my dear stubborn child. You definitely have my work cut out for me. My life wouldn't be as exciting if I didn't have you to challenge me as you do.

I remind myself daily that my role as mother is like a chapter book. Each chapter I am moving towards the ultimate resolution.  That resolution is raising her to adulthood,  to her 18th birthday.  The day she will be legally able to make her own choices.

I also remind myself that I can do hard things.  This affirmation reminds me that the Lord wouldn't send his child to me if He knew I couldn't handle it.

These precious children all come with unique personalities and challenges to this earth.  As their parents, it is up to us to guide them on a righteous path. In no way is that expected to be easy, but it will be worth it.


Mango Salsa (see January archive on right for recipe)