This is a picture of a blendtec and I am the proud owner of one. You may have seem this one at Costco, during demo time, making all sorts of scrumptious juices, soups, yogurts, ect. For months we have been wanting one, but the price being 400.00, we just couldn't give in. My mom has a vitamix she got, and I would get spoiled using hers. Have you ever wanted something so badly, but just couldn't come to terms with how expensive it is? I had a solution. Sell our kitchen table and purchase one. We did just that, and now I can say it's well worth 400.00, in fact, this super blender is the best 400.00 I have ever spent, the best investment too...an investment to health!
I use this thing about twice a day. I make lots of veggie drink combos, fruit juice combos, soups, salsas, everything, you name it! This blender is ultra-powerful and does what most average blenders could not do. In fact, your average blender would break if you put whole veggies in it daily and made it do what this blender does effortlessly. In a former post I wrote about how important it is to get more alkaline in our diets. With this blendtec, I make pure alkaline drinks. I love super-charging my system. The benefits are amazing. Here are some sample recipes I make.
Alkaline Carrot Combo Drink
2 carrots
2 celery
handful of spinach
1 c. water
1 apple
Super-charged Veggie Drink (sordive like V-8 but without all the salt)
2 carrots
2 celery
handful of spinach
1 yam or sweet potato
2 tomatos
1 cucumber
1 c. water
Fruit Combo drinks
2 oranges
2 carrots
1 c. water or juice
Banana Combo Drink
2 bananas
1 c. spinach
1 c. soy milk
1 c. chopped pineapple
There are many more combos, but just think of how long it would take you to eat all those fruits and veggies if you had to eat them in their basic form. Drinking them takes less time, and you are able to get so many more servings of fruits and veggies that way. Also, more digestable in liquid form, full of live enzymes your body needs, and delicious. If you can't afford a blend-tec, I recommend you save for one. You will definately get your moneys worth out of it, if you are committed to your health daily.
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