Green Algae
I have felt green for some time, I mean going green as in saving the trees, zero paper, stopping pollution, etc. Each time I am out in nature, I gain more appreciation for each tree, but fast forward 20 years from now. Do you think more trees will be saved from more people going green? Do you think more trees could be kept around to absorb the toxic pollution that is spread from the use of cars fueled by gasoline? We need our trees, and I have always been a huge advocate of saving our trees and our environment. What do you all think about green algae instead of gasoline? For the past few years, I have been following Josh Tickell's quest of saving energy, stopping pollution, and saving American's money. According to Good Morning American report, "Tickell just finished a 10-day drive from Los Angeles to New York City in his Algaeus. On the trip, the car averaged 147 miles per gallon in the city, where it runs on electricity alone. On the highway, where it works as a hybrid, it averaged 52 miles per gallon.
Most amazing of all, Tickell stopped only six times for fill-ups.
So how does the Algaeus get such extraordinary mileage?
Essentially, the Algaeus is a tricked-out version of the already fuel-efficient Prius. Tickell added a nickel metal hydride battery and a plug to the hybrid car. Instead of gasoline, the car's engine runs on algae fuel. He currently fuels his prius with green algae and says, "The set-up is so effective that the Algaeus can run on approximately 25 gallons from coast to coast."
Why isn't green algae available for everyone currently? According to a report from Good Morning America, It is "Developed by the green startup company Sapphire Energy, algae fuel is produced on a farm in the deserts of New Mexico.
Proponents of algae fuel claim that it has the potential to be a new source of 100 percent carbon neutral energy that won't require changing the country's current energy infrastructure.
That's because algae has the same chemical composition as gasoline and is, therefore, compatible with existing gasoline technology, from refineries to car engines.
Unlike an oil rig, an algae farm can be located almost anywhere, and does not require converting farmland or nature preserves.
Right now, algae fuel isn't available to consumers, but its makers hope to make it available commercially within the next five years.
If you want to see green fuel become a reality, Tickell has a few suggestions. He recommends calling your representatives and urging them to create incentives for algae fuel, or holding a town hall meeting in your area to help spread the word about the technology."
Imagine how much pollution could be reduced by fueling with green algae instead of gasoline. What are your thoughts on this?
Mango Salsa (see January archive on right for recipe)