If you have not read "The Paleo Solution" by Robb Wolf, get your hands on it now. This is the best book I have ever read. It is a book I could not put down. It has taught significantly. If you choose not to purchase the book, I have highlighted key points Robb brings up in the book.
Here are 26 key points Robb Wolf talks about in his book.
According to Robb,
(1. We don't need carbs, our bodies make all the carbs they need from protein and fat
2. No simple or complex carb is healthy. It all converts to sugar, glucose, and fructose. Eating refined white bread and white rice is the same as eating a candy bar. Complex carbs are not healthier. They eventually break down to that sugar, but not as fast as simple carbs.
3. Carbs such as wheat, grains, corn, and table sugar cause blood sugar imbalances and blood sugar crashes.
4. The more carbs you eat, the more addicted you become to the sugar. You become leptin resistant which makes it so you constantly have to eat. Hence, you gain weight and experience bloating and other stomach fat.
5. The liver and panncreas are filled with toxic overload from carbs break down of sugar. The heart and brains also suffer.
6. Low insulin is optimal for health
7. cortisol releases in excess with carb overload. Too much cortisol is a bad thing.
8. High glucose causes type two diabetes. High glucose is caused by too many carbs and way to much sugar.
9. When you have high glucose levels, your body begins to attack itself and eat its own tissue up (waste away). Fat cells begin to increase making one even fatter. This causes weak bones, loss of muscle mass, loss of strength, and the inability to walk or run.
10. High glucose levels are toxic to the body.
11. Sugar from simple and complex cards react with good proteins in the body in a negative way. It damages hormones, enzymes, DNA, and hormonal receptor sites at the surface of each cell.
12. If you eat too many carbs, the damage to your gut gets worse and worse leading to many diseases.
13. All diseases, including cancer, start with how digestion works in the body. Your body cannot digest carbs correctly.
14. You must reduce inflammation in the body by eliminating all carbs such as wheat, grains, corns, and legumes.
15. The paleo diet heals the gut and entire body as soon as 6 weeks.
16. The more carbs you eat, the more damage you are doing to your body without you even knowing it.
17. Type 2 diabetes almost always leads to cancer and death if not controlled.
18. Medicine does not heal the body, it only slows down the death process.
19. Meat, veggies, and good sources of fat like avocados and coconut, remain unchanged in the gut, carbs like grains and wheat break down into a structure your body can't recognize.
20. Grains, corn, dairy, and legumes contain lectins. Lectins are not broken down in the digestive track, but rather stick around in the gut damaging it.
21. Lectins affect every organ in the body.
22. Gall bladder removal is the first sign of too many lectins.
23. Not properly digesting food causes you to always be hungry. This is a result of constant consumption of carbs.
24. Grains and other simple/complex carbs cause mal-absorption in the body.
25. Grains are pissed that you want to eat them, and they want to fight back.
26. Eating the Paleo Diet has changed the life of many people across the world. Countless studies have proven this diet heals and will prevent disease.