Paleo and 7 weeks Prego Going Strong!!!
I decided to do the paleo diet during my pregnancy and I am so glad I am. I have to admit that weeks 5-6 of pregnancy were the toughest time to do paleo. I was contantly craving carbs, cheese, and everything else that is paleo forbidden. Last weekend, however, I gave into the urge and made a hoagie sandwich to shut my craving up. Ha, what a foolish thing. After being paleo for over two months and eating a huge hoagie sandwich, compare that to going to a foreign country and eating fermented beans for the first time. Seriously, you begin to hate bread after being diligent at paleo.
So, I am 7 weeks prego, saw my tiny babies heartbeat, and am amazed at how awesome I feel. I am beginning to love my rapidly growing baby. My husband has been acting so funny and paranoid during this pregnancy. He is worried about me doing paleo due to the lack of calories, he gets upset when I lay on my stomach or lift heavy objects, and just loves this little growing embryo so much. I think I am way more relaxed then he is, but the man wants to be a dad more then anyone I have ever known. I applause him for that. The paleo diet is becoming so much easier now and I have total faith in it during my pregnancy desite my husband's insecurities with it. I am beginning to find cooking paleo not difficult at all at this point. Each time I come up with a new paleo recipe, I jump for joy. I don't think I have ever been into food this much these past few years. In addition to eating my paleo diet, here are some other things I am doing during my pregnancy that keeps me feeling great. I am doing zumba classes, going to curves, doing my yoga daily, and of course packing up because we are moving. Overall, I have good energy during the day, sleeping well at night, having only a little morning sickness which is hardly bad at all, and just eager for what's to come.
Mango Salsa (see January archive on right for recipe)