1 month old
Here you can see the changes. The picture of me holding her is when she was just a little over a week old. Her bath picture she is three weeks old, and the pictures of Rodney and I holding her on Father's Day, she is just a few days from a month old. Wow, the changes. Sunny is the light of our lives. She is changing so much. Her personality is strong and demanding, she loves warm baths, she hates to be undressed or have her diaper changed. She is starting to take interest in toys and move her eyes to follow objects. We are curious to find what her eye color may be, but right now, they are blue. She looks a lot like Rodney and I. She has my shape of head and Rodney's nose. Not sure who's eyes she has quite yet. We sure do love our sunshine girl.

Mango Salsa (see January archive on right for recipe)