I found this outfit at Gymboree awhile back and slowy accumulated the hat, onsie, and booties to go with it. The entire outfit only cost me less then about 18.00. I really got some great clearance items here. She can wear this outfit anytime too. So far she has worn the strawberry hat everyday. Maybe because I am a strawberry shortcake lover, always have been. We began the evening with a little trick or treating around our cute little complex. We mainly just went to people in our ward. Rodney was thrilled to get Halloween candy. I actually snuck a peice myself (sorry sunny). Sunny was getting cranky towards the last house so we came home, took pictures and called it a night. We decided to leave our halloween candy on the door since our dog barks at every knock. A big group of kids came and cleaned us out. Took every last tootsie pop sucker we had. That's okay..
Sunny eating pureed pumpkin. She has so far had squash and sweet potato, all of which she loves.

Mango Salsa (see January archive on right for recipe)