I am still breastfeeding Sunny and she is now almost 28 months. I know of people who have gone longer, but my body is tired. This little girl loves breastfeeding more then anything and asks to "nurse" at least up to 8 times a day, and sometimes up to twice between the hours of 3-7 am. She's like a newborn. It's been a long road. My husband is tired of it and I don't blame him. I get a lot of people telling me to wean her in one weekend. But to understand why it is so difficult to wean this girl, one must understand her strong willed personality. She is a fighter and when she wants something badly enough, she will put up a hard fight until she wins. I guess I am weak if I am allowing her to win. I have tried weaning her often over the last 8 months, all failures. About two months ago, I started applying vinager on them. When she tasted that vinager, she got angry and confused and began to scream. It worked for about 24 hours until she decided she didn't care about about the vinegar. I have tried tucking in my shirt so she can't nurse, again that failed. I have read books about this and many suggest the "Don't offer, but don't reject rule." I have gone by that rule for some time now. When I do reject Sunny, it ends with her sobbing so bad, it's heartbreaking for me to watch. She does not understand why she is rejected from something she has known since she was born. Sunny is also very sneaky. If I sit down, she immediately tries to nurse, so often I find myself standing while watching TV. If I am sleeping at night, she will get into bed and nurse while I am unconscious in sleep. So, this weekend, we decided it is time. Lot's of rejection, crying spells, and temper tantrums are happening in these parts, but I am determined to hold strong. I admit, this is bitter sweat. It's like saying goodbye to a comfort I have had as well from nursing. I will report back in about a week with an update.