Quick Whole Wheat Pizza Crust
This pizza crust is the perfect solution to nights like this because it doesn't need to rise. It is nights of exhaustion from toddler who still doesn't take naps. Who is very very active and still goes to bed between 9:00-9:30 pm because of no nap. Sigh.
We are home, finally! I am still in recovery mode from our trip up north and a decision we had to make once up there (I will include details on that tomorrow). Tonight, I ventured out to store to get basic necessities like milk and cheese. While I was gone, Rodney made the pizza crust and had me promise to hurry back. I am notorious for taking forever when I go to the store, but most of that is calculated into never being able to find my car when I walk out of large parking lots like Walmart or Costco (car beeper doesn't work), and usually wasting way too much time walking the parking lot looking for said car. Once I even had an employee help me. Seriously? Tonight that didn't happen. Instead I ran into my sister who I hadn't seen in ages. We talked for at least 40 minutes in the isle.
Poor Rodney, waiting yet again. BUT, it was a productive trip because I saw my sis and I got a new watch battery so I can know the time.
Once I got home, the pizza was assembled and ready for oven. Quick and easy. Even Sunny ate some, now that is shocking!
1 cup warm water
2 tsp sugar
2 tsp dry active yeast
2 tbsp oil
1 tsp salt
2 1/4 - 2 1/2 cups whole wheat flour ( we prefer King Arthur flour).
Make sure that the water is about 115 degrees and dissolve the sugar into the water and add the yeast. I usually stir it in to mix it better. In a mixing bowl put in the flour and salt. Start with the least amount of flour and add more if necessary after the water is added. When the yeast is all foamy add the oil to the water and then pour it into the flour. Kneed till moderately stiff then let it rest for 10 minutes. Roll it out to the desired shape. Either add the toppings if you want a thinner crust or let it rise to your desired height. Add sauce and toppings and bake at 400 for 20 - 24 minutes.
Mango Salsa (see January archive on right for recipe)