I love these pictures showing examples of how to groom yourself. The picture she is holding is of a girl brushing her hair and she has others illustrating how to brush your teeth.
Also, check out my grandmother's handbag from the 60s. I cleaned it up and decided to not hide it away, but rather put it on display.
I have heard a lot about this Wonder Weeks App you can download on your device. I need to learn more, but it tells you what to expect with your baby/toddler each day and when they will come out of a "stormy period"
Sunny is still in this stormy period and if I had the app, I would know exactly when she is supposed to come out of it. So many moms have highly recommended this Wonder Weeks App and can't say enough about it. It is supposed to help parents with their sanity because it tells them all is normal, nothing is wrong, and it is a phase that will eventually end. I definately need to read up more on how this works.
I use this blog as mostly a place to store my recipes and journal Sunny's milestones, concerns, and other tidbits. I don't publish every post I write about Sunny (due to protecting her privacy) but today, I accidently published one and then immediately realized that later and stored it as a draft. It mainly discussed Sunny during this stormy period and what she is going through at the moment.
My public posts are intended to be helpful, uplifting, positive and educational (such as posting healthy recipes).
I am full swing on accepting any kind of constructive criticism on how to raise kids. It is not anything I take offense of, but rather is a huge help to me. There is a French book I am starting to read called, "Bringing Up Bebe" it talks about how children are raised in France and parts of Europe and how opposite it is in the United States. In France, they don't serve kid approved meals like we serve here in the US. Toddlers eat exactly what adults eat, when adults eat, and don't have tons of snacks throughout the day. They have full course meals that are filling, and always serve a veggie first before anything else. The french believe that when a toddler is most hungry, they will eat just about anything, that is why the veggie comes first. I like that. Also, the obesity rate of youth is only 14% in France, compared to 1/3 of what is in the US, according to the author. Also, the french always wear heels. I like that as well.
Anyway, Today we stayed home all day long. It was cold and dreary and all I wanted to do is stay warm and snuggle Sunny. I love her snuggles and wish they would last forever (without her trying to nurse).
After 3 cups of hot cocoa and a few Hallmark Christmas movies, Sunny was starting to come around. Maybe she is out of this so called, stormy period. For lunch, I served her a veggie first (as the french do) which was peas, and she ate them all. Then I made her half a box of mac n cheese (this works better as leftover mac n cheese taste bland and dry). I then gave her another muffin from yesterday and she asked for another. Too bad they are gone. I am thinking of doing whole wheat pumpkin pecan next.
I hope everyone had a great day. If you have a toddler going through a "stormy period" try checking out this Wonder Weeks App. Know that the stormy period is often a phase and is due to growth spurts and other changes in a toddler's body, all normal occurances. Sometimes it is worth taking a toddler to the doctor, in case he/she does have a bug or infection, but if toddler eats and plays well, but just seems more irritable then usual, it most likely is a stormy period.