I have never been fond of summertime. Even as a kid, I detested it. I would rather be in school anyday then be hot, bored, etc. Come fall, it's a huge refresher. The air is crisp and cool and I feel the need to be outside like a lot.
This summer, I have been so much more hot then usual. And I don't mean sexy hot, I mean miserable, sticky, slimy, just plain get me out of this oven feeling-hot.
Our swamp cooler is wonderful. It does it's job, but when it's humid of triple digits, the swamp has it's problems.
I remember my first job, at 15. I was a maid for the summer. I worked at an outdoor hotel and none of the rooms had air-conditioner until guests checked in. I remember how I could take the heat so much better back then. I continued to be a maid on weekends and every summer until senior year. I also had no air conditioner in my car, so imagine what that was like. It's times like now when I feel I am baking in my own skin, I remember those summers as a teen. If I could endure it back then, I certainly could now.
I notice a lot of behavioral problems with toddlers this time of year. It seems everywhere I go, a 2 or 3 year old is throwing a huge tantrum out in public. Their mom's seem more aggravated too. While sitting there, scratching my head, it suddenly occurred to me. The heat affects us all. The reason is because almost all outdoor activities are excluded, leaving more kids at home, more mom's at home, and less of them less then eager to deal with transporting children in and out of a hot car. I do not blame any of them. I am in the exact same boat. The heat affects our motivation to do just about anything.
One thing I have found that is such a huge lifesaver this summer is the pool. I have never been one to enjoy the pool, but this summer, I made a vow to try to go every single day. So far, we have gone so much and I find Sunny so much happier as well as myself. Aside from a few bullies Sunny comes across there, the pool really is great for the mind, body, and soul.

snow cones in this heat, yes please.
I have also found playdates to be a huge lifesaver. Whether I go with a friend to the pool or I invite a friend over for play, Sunny has more fun with friends.
Indoor picnic with chicken nuggets and Bqq sauce.
I have also been a little tempted to turn the TV on when I am desperate for a break, but summer and TV are a bad combo for kids and I have limited it big time.
Really, those are the two main activities we engage in this summer. I am not too keen on driving into town or going to parks for picnics in this heat, so having to drive less then a few blocks has been wonderful.
Some other changes around here have been rather exciting. A little over a week ago, after a ton of accidents and stubbornness, Sunny is finally potty-trained. I don't know what clicked, but she runs to her potty every single time and has had no accidents.
Ready for church.
Sunny is also taking naps for the first time in like forever. She will require I lay next to her in my bed and then make a big fort with my sheets, and then nest a bit until she falls a sleep, all while twirling her hair which is her soother.
I am more then pleased with those changes.
Sunny starts pre-school in two weeks! I am so excited. Hmmm, what am I going to do with myself during that time.
As far as updates on our fixer upper house. We got our fireplace done. I decided to paint it white since I had leftover paint from the house anyway, and It looks fabulous! We also did tiling around the fireplace and did a hardwood floor look. I love it. Now we just have to get a fireplace insert so we can prepare for winter.
There is still so much more to do on our house. The list is slowly, but surely getting checked off though.
We have harvested tomatoes, watermelon, peppers, a few delicate carrots and some strawberries this summer. We found our PH must be off in our soil because our sod has struggled as well as our crops. We are in the process of turning that PH around to reduce the alkaline this fall. I hope our grass seed makes it this time for front yard.
Oh, I can't forget. They released me from primary. I never asked to be released, but the kindest president said she knew I was prego and I would probably need a break, and plus, a kind new sister really wanted to be in the primary, so she replaced me. I have been in the primary/nursery for a long time and it will be nice to have a change. But I do miss those kids!
So, there is a tiny bit of update around here. I don't have much to talk about and I am so anxious to just get this summer out of here. Hope all you have had a nice summer and are excited for fall too!!