We accomplished so much today. This morning we finished all the painting on the house. Even started the shed. I have wanted to finish the painting so long. What a fresh white look the outside has now with tangerines accents. Our home is nicknamed the creamsicle.
For about 3 weeks I have not been motivated to go to gym. I can't even get myself out the door to go.
Today around 4 pm, I sensed Sunny was getting bored. I wasn't sure what to do with her. I'm kind of tired lately but she was getting into trouble so we headed up to the pool. The pool was doing some themed party and so we left. This is the third time we've gone to the pool and left due to wrong timing, closed for maintaining or this. Sunny was rather dissapointed, so we headed to the park and she played in the ditch. She found friends to play with and had a good time I think.
I made Brazil food tonight. Sunny loves beans. She will not eat meat, but I gave found luck with beans. Rodney and I prefer meat, but since sunny is so finicky, I am trying to make things she will eat that are not junkfood.
Our little vegetarian
I am really into watching Parenthood on netflix. Everyone Loves Raymond was our favorite but it left, so I am glad I found something I actually look forward to watching.
I feel everything is coming along goal wise.