Toddleritis-A treatable and curable form of mental exhaustion that comes from raising toddlers.
If you are a mom of a toddler, then you know that this is real.
Stay at home mom's are known to suffer from it more then working out of the home mothers. Good thing it's treatable.
Here is how I know I have toddleritis-
I start to yell. I do not consider myself one who yells, but rather bottles up frustrations and has one huge explosion. That is probably worse. Usually it happens once a week when I feel I am loosing control. Baby needs to nurse non-stop and Sunny is jeolous that I can't hold her as well, so she starts climbing on me while I am nursing, I ask her to stop, she takes it in a negative way, and before we know it, tantrums or some other acting out starts to happen.
I know I said I was not going to nurse this time around, but I will leave this for another post. There is a huge reason why I am nursing this time around and it's not easy.
Here is another toddleritis symptom I have:
Baby is fast asleep. Sunny is loud and I am afraid she will wake up baby. I try to have quiet time with her and read. She grows bored after 15 minutes and decides to play in her room. She sings and dances and has fun. Except she becomes loud. Very loud. I sshhhhh her and she becomes upset and takes that as another negative. Baby wakes up and I am frustrated and bottle up inside.
I know us moms all have these mental exhausting moments. Here is how you can treat toddleritis:
Give yourself space. Go out without your kids or when husband gets home, go out and do something you love. Just make sure you have your space. When mom starts to yell then you know she needs a time out from her kids. Mom's who don't give themselves time-out from kids are usually the ones who have toddleritis at its worse.
So if you are a mom and you know what I mean, give yourself a break from the toddler(s). You will find yourself refreshed and renewed and every mom needs that.