I initially was going to ease the nursing out, but it's only making her mad and confused. I think I might need to go cold turkey. That means tonight I will not nurse, and I will not nurse in the middle of the night either. I am already dreading this. It's going to be a long night with lots of crying and frustration. I have to do this. I can't give up. This will not turn into what it did with Sunny. I am determined to do this even though it's harder then I thought.
Adelaide is not taking a bottle. She cries and then screams mad for about 20 minutes before she surrenders. Here is a picture when she finally calmed down. Poor baby. I love her so much. Why does this have to be so difficult.
There is A LOT of crying and screaming in our house right now. Sunny has been plugging her ears or hiding out in her room. I can't blame her. I might need some ear plugs too.
Is it better that I do this now while she is only 4 months vs when she is over a year? Yes! I think she is still at the age where she is submissive enough that I can take hold of the situation better.
With Sunny, I had her climbing out of her crib at 12 months and screaming, following me, and refusing to go back to bed. Much harder at that age.
I will write back with more updates. Part of me does sort of wish to escape right now on vacation while someone else weens her.