He Knows All Pain
When I heard about the tragedy that happened in Newtown CT, yesterday, I felt immense pain, especially for those who lost their little ones, friends, and relatives. How could something like this happen again. Can one feel anger and sorrow at the same time. My immediate reaction of course was anger, but when I feel anger towards this 20 year of guy who did this, I feel I am wasting my emotions on him. He is handled by God, and that is what matters. My attention has focused on the people who are suffering for their loved ones who were lost. I feel for those people who do not have the gospel, or understand what the gospel is about. Those who do have the gospel can feel greater comfort from our Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ. For they know all pain. God lost a child, his son, Jesus Christ. Jesus knows the pain of suffering so all mankind be here today. I wish every single individual suffering for those lost in this tragedy, could understand the atonement and how God's tender mercies can comfort us through pain.He knows the suffering of these parents and others who are grieving. My prayers are for those who are suffering.
Mango Salsa (see January archive on right for recipe)