Scrambled Eggs and Kale
I've posted a breakfast idea on here before, but I wanted to share this one, since I have it so frequently. It's scrambled eggs with finely chopped kale and turkey sausage/bacon. It is quite good, and when you just don't want the grains, this breakfast really satisfies. So, here is what you do. Take how many eggs you plan to scramble, beat them, and cook on low heat so they don't stick to pan. Add the pre-cooked sausage/bacon to the eggs, and just minutes before serving, take about 1/2 c. of chopped kale leaves and mix into the eggs. Now you have a nutritionally complete breakfast. Serve with salsa verde and fruit salad, recommended. I recommend you use Omega 3 enriched eggs, organic/cage free eggs. They are a bit more, but so worth it.
Pregnancy Update: It's going fantastic. My little prince(ss) is growing like a weed. I am almost at the half way mark. It's going so fast.
Mango Salsa (see January archive on right for recipe)