I remember I got my first journal when I was 10 years old. I wrote in it practically everyday, all the way until middle school, when I got another. I recorded my deepest thoughts, my troubles, my goals, my future desires. When I go back and read it, I am so thankful I wrote diligently. I find that the more I write, the more motivated I am to continue. If I stop writing for even a few days, it gets harder to jump back on the writing bandwagon. There have been times in my life that I have had a long pause in journal writing. It wasn't until I found out I was pregnant with Sunny that I decided to pick up writing again. I never wanted to forget what pregnancy was like, or what each week presented. I filled up on spiral notebook documenting just that, then when Sunny was born, I was very consumed with taking care of her and began writing just once a month updates. Now that I am doing an online journal, I find it more enjoyable to type then write, and so I am able to write more posts. Although there are issues with the layout, such as no paragraphs, I am hoping I can improve things as time goes on.

Today, was my favorite day of all days, Sunday. I felt the spirit so strong today. I love to serve nursery, but sometimes I feel the need to really be in Sunday School and RS and get some spiritual feed like I did today. I have tried to let go of my thoughts and bothers while I am in RS. I start thinking of Sunny, is she sharing, is there a conflict, is she going to escape nursery and get lost like she has in the past at church. Oh the constant worries. I just need to tune this out, pray, and focus on what I need to, the lessons the Lord wants me to hear.

Sunny just recently turned 28 months and I want to document some things she has mastered. I have always felt she was right on with milestones. She reached all developmental milestones, some earlier then others, and up until 23 months, I felt very content as to where she was. At about 24 months, I noticed she wasn't speaking in sentences like some of her peers were and her diction was a litle harder to understand. I mentioned that to the doctor and he told me to not compare kids. Each child develops at their own pace and to wait it out. At about 27 months, I noticed she was talking all the time, in sentences (still not always as clear) but she has come a long way. An example of how she words her sentences would be, "Me me, paint" "Me me, pink shoes" "that' a cloud (insert word), "daddy, floor, "I'm fine, bye" "Thank you" We are working on her adding more conjunctions in between sentences as well as pronouns, but again, I think she is getting there. Everyday is something new. She has an amazing memory, much like her brilliant dad's. She knows half the alphabet, she can count to 10 and is working on going to 20 right now, she can identity numbers 1-10 and name them, she can name all animals and their sounds, she can identify 9-10 objects we point out to her, she can sing almost the entire song of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" she can point to someone and tell me their name or if they are a boy or girl. She has recently learned what a grandma looks like. When we are in a store, or driving in the car, she will point to a elderly woman and say, "That's a nama" That is too adorable.

She is really good about going to places and me leaving her. She loves when someone babysits her, she loves daycare, she loves nursery and she is not afraid to be without either of us around. I love that she is secure enough to do that.
Her weight is 25 pounds, she is still rather picky, but she loves cheese, toast, cereal, crackers, berries, and any kind of fruit snack. She will not eat meat, except for chicken nuggets. She eats carrots, cucumber, and brocolli florets for her veggie, and loves tomatoes.

Sunny still cries when she does not get what she wants, but as she matures, I hope she can communicate better with us and let us know what bothers her and ways to fix it.
She is still not potty trained, but she has a potty chair she loves to sit on throughout the day, and pull-ups she we wear occassionally.
She gets along with kids pretty well. Younger kids who are smaller and younger then her, she often seems to overpower more. She is pretty brave. She will jump off a large step or go down a huge slide on her own, sometimes with more reservation, depending on her mood. Lately, she loves to jump. She loves any kind of trampoline. She will jump on cracks on the sidewalk or on figures on a rug. I was told she should be developing other fine motor skills and stringing large beads was recommended, so that is something we will work on next, as well as maybe sorting colorful beads by color or shape.

Her personality is strong and dominating. She is not one who is easy going, but will let you know what she doesn't like. She dislikes confinement, so high chairs, shopping carts, car seats for long periods of time, or swings that she is strapped in, she will easily get upset. She hates feeling controlled. She wants to do what she pleases all the time. I try to allow her options, but reasoning with her as to "why" she can't do something is a huge challenge at her age.
This is pretty much the brunt of what I can think of at the moment. We love you Sunny!