Today Sunny woke up way too early, 5:30 to be exact. I was one tired mama. She's been co-sleeping with us and it hasn't exactly been working out. I feel she moves so much in her sleep that I have this tiny corner of the bed and I can barely get comfortable. I put her to bed in her own bedroom, but come 1-2 am, she crawls right into bed with us. Rodney goes to work at 5:30 and I am too tired to get up and put her back into her own bed, so I just deal. So it is what it is during this season of our lives.
So, I decided at 7 am to mow the lawn and pull weeds while Rodney made eggs and pancakes. After we ate, he got busy rototilling our backyard and garden area and trimmed our zuchinni way down. This took a good 3 hours. We then headed to Costco. We put Sunny in the Cart, but it didn't last.
She put up with about 10 minutes and then meltdown. She wanted out. To try to discipline this kid in public is humiliating. She will throw the biggest tantrum, drawing attention. The sucker I am, I let her out. After refusing to hold my hand, she began walking and getting into people's way. I put a bag of Mickey Mouse chicken nuggets in the cart. (He is her favorite character in the whole world). That sordive made her smile. She allowed rodney to hold her, but then again, she wanted to be free. Let's just say there were many meltdowns.
A few hours later, we headed to the park for a picnic. Sunny saw a big bounce house and we explained to her that it was someone else's and she couldn't go in it. More meltdowns.
I really think I need parenting classes. I feel I fail in so many areas as far as being consistent in disciplining. Part of my problem is I have never been able to stand crying. Giving in just shuts her up, and then it's peaceful again. That is very poor parenting, I know. Rodney is much more consistent. He definitely is a good role model
When Sunny becomes a teenager, I will probably look back at this season of my life and think this is a piece of cake compared to the worries parents have once 16 hits. I respect my mom so much more now. She raised me alone, with little help, except from my sister's who were in high school when I was born.
Well at least Fall is here and time for boots. I can't help smiling over that and watching Women's Conference tonight with my mom. ;)