Today was so nice outside that I decided to take Sunny to the park after she got home from daycare and had some lunch. Being a typical two year old, I know keeping her cooped up in the house only leads to her curious nature of getting into stuff she's not supposed to, such as my makeup and essential oils. What's the solution? Get out of house. I do love fall for this cooler weather. My passion for being outside as much as possible this time of year is only good for Sunny. As a child who does not take naps, getting outside and playing hard is what we need for her to go to bed earlier. And it's working a lot better. She will now go to bed between 9-10 pm where she used to go to bed closer to midnight. I just couldn't allow that to continue, so I am glad our new daily outdoor activity is helping this tot get that energy out. We love bringing either a ball or frisby to the park, so today was a ball. She decided to play with it for a short time before running to the water. I took her diaper off so she could get wet. Now, without a diaper, no pants or skirt will stay up (she has her dad's narrow waist) and so I couldn't help but laugh as she ran with her skirt falling down. Oh well. As I was shooting pictures on my phone (poor quality pictures, I know) I couldn't help but watch her and just wish she would stay little as long as possible. It is so bitter sweet. She is gaining so much independance and sass and definatly has "I'm in charge personality" but I love that she is persistent and a go-getter. I think she will succeed in life with that. Here are some pictures that capture her at play.

I love that she already has a talent for art. Here are some of her creations that we tape on our door. I want to eventually get some twine and mini clothes pins and clip her art to the twine, then drape it along somewhere.

After the park, it was onto something else. Art! And the little artist herself, as serious as ever.

Of course after art, she wanted to go check on Ed, whose been sick for a few days

Naturally, I had to explain to her that he needs his rest and that sleeping is good.

Just making sure he's alive.;)