As mentioned before, this blog is a way to document our life and Sunny as she changes and grows. If you chose to follow us along, my plan is to update each post mostly in the evenings, so each day there will be a fresh new post. I've also mentioned that Sunny has had insomnia since birth and so alot of my focus during the day is planning lots of activities to keep her engaged and entertained in hopes that she will go to sleep earlier and sleep better. Since the weather is cooling down a bit, I am hoping to take her to more parks in our town as well as engage her in learning activities. Some of the stuff we do in a typical day involve morning daycare in which she gets 1-2 hours of play, followed by home for lunch. After lunch, she usually asks to do art. Art is anything from sand play (as seen in pictures) watercolor or coloring. Her attention span is short, so that usually goes for 20 minutes. Afterwards, I put on a netflix show of some learning. She really likes leapfrog shows, Barney, Baby Genius Nursery Songs, Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, and Sesame Street. Her ultimate favorite is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, but I really like the shows where she is learning more. Sunny loves watching a show and this mama is able to relax a bit before we're onto a new activity. This will involve building with Legos or other blocks or dancing to songs. If the weather is cool enough, we will take a stroll and stop at grandma's house for more art or backyard play. Sunny has a special relationship with her grandma in that they both have a strong passion for artwork. After grandma's, we usually go home and spend time with daddy before he needs to study. Dinner is cooked, bath is given, and then Sunny wonders what else she can do. So, today I made sure she got some extra play in. She loves running and bouncing a ball. This is good because it will tire her out more, and that is exactly what happened, I think. She is not in bed yet, but give it another 2 hours and let's hope by 9:00 she is tuckered out.
Overall, today was a great day. We love getting outside more and my hopes is to get her a little toy bike so she can ride that around for that leg exercise. (Did you know her jogging stroller wheel popped right off when I was walking her in it one day) Here are some pictures that capture the highlights of our day. I love being able to reflect back and see how fast Sunny is growing).

Bless all you mothers out there who have twins or multiples who are going through those toddler years. Patience really is a virtue. These years go by so fast and I want to soak in as much of this goodness as I can. I want to remember the joy on her face from just simple things in nature that make her so happy. I once heard that it's okay for children to get covered in dirt or mud while outside playing. Dirt is good for building immunity and certainly doesn't hurt them. Hope all you mother's of toddlers are embracing and cherishing these years because they pass by so quickly.