
Weening from Nursing During Day

Today I decided today would be the day to ween Adelaide from nursing.  I know I can't just stop cold turkey and so I will only nurse at night.  So far I am on day 2 doing this method.  The first two days it was hard on her. She would cry to nurse and wouldn't take a bottle with formula.  Tonight, she is getting in the groove of things and accepting the new routine at bit better.  Time will tell with this.

I know it's early to stop nursing as Addie is only 4 months next week, but I know what can happen. I went through the exact same thing with Sunny and it lasted until she was 2.5 years old. We are not in a pioneer age and that is a bit too old to nurse.

Addie has almost the same personality as Sunny did. Sunny was colicy, never slept well and was fidgety and acted uncomfortable all the time. However, she did have skin ulcers that were painful and she had to be on medication for them, however after they disapeared and left huge scars, she was still colicy.
The only other difference with Sunny and Addie is Sunny didn't spit up after a month old and Addie spits up all the time, a symptom of acid reflux.

With two very stubborn personalities when it comes to nursing and choosing to fall asleep only when nursing, I decided I needed to break this habit or I would be in for a long haul nightmare with my little Addie. I am determined to not let it happen this time if it kills me.

Today has been rough. My house duties are neglected because Addie wants to nurse to sleep and be held other times. Mary even let me borrow her Ergo carrier and that did nothing. She hates it.

Sunny is currently in her room now with the stopwatch method going and on and it's working beautifully. Addie finally went to sleep after hours of crying in frustration that she couldn't nurse to sleep. She kept looking at me as if it say, "Why mommy aren't you nursing me to sleep, I don't understand."  It's hardbreaking, but for my own well being, I have to do this.

Addie is currently on Kirkland Formula from Costco. She does well with it so far.......

As much as I hate spending money on formula when I am perfectly capeable of producing milk on my own, I feel there are other reasons I must ween her now. I do feel a bit selfish for weening her but I feel I need to do this for these reasons.

My health.  Nursing is so hard on my body. I don't know if others are in the same boat as me, but not only do I lose a ton of weight, but I get sick all the time and get very dehydrated. I also seem to feel depleted and more anxious when I nurse and am sleep deprived. I am sure other's pick up on my anxious personality.

I swear my milk is like skim milk. Sunny was never satisfied and wanted to eat all day long and Addie is the same.  This leaves me sitting for long stretches and when I do put Addie down, she wakes up again hungry. Formula doesn't do that.

I can't eat what I want to eat when I nurse. I know that sounds selfish, but I LOVE spicy food. I believe in it and I don't get as many colds when I eat hot peppers. I am known to sprinkle pepper flakes, salsa, or Tobasco sauce on just about everything savory,  I also love chocolate and I can't eat that when I nurse either.

There are hundreds of other reasons why I want to quit. I remind myself that I nursed Sunny for 2 1/2 years and I was amazing at that. This time around, I really need to focus on me and getting my health back on track.

My plan is to be done with nightime nursing by the time Addie is 6 months. I don't know if it will be successful, but if the nighttime nursing lasts up to the year, I am okay with that too. I will update periodically to update on how it's going.


Mango Salsa (see January archive on right for recipe)