Being a mom is so stinking hard. And I don't mean physically hard as in muscle strain and hard labor. I've done that since I started working as early as 14 as hotel housekeeper. I am talking emotionalemotionally hard. Emotionally hard is hard on the mind, body, and soul.
There are times I need to eat chocolate and step away for a minute and maybe cry a little. Nobody ever told me it was this hard, they only said I would need to see for myself.
Okay, enough with the pouting. I am blessed and that's what I say to myself when I feel discouraged.
There is something so easy about a newborn and infant, yet something so dang hard about a 3 year old.
Today I felt like I couldn't get much done. We all have those days. However, the clean freak in me goes crazy when I know piles of laundry need folding and crumbs need to be swept up, etc, etc. However, Adelaide really needed me to play with her. She loves eye contact and when I converse with her. It makes her the most happy. As she sat on my lap, I talked to her and let her know that she was first priority to me and my messy house could wait. Not easy, but I am working on allowing my house to get messy. So so hard for me. Here is my little time with Addy.
Sunny had just finished lunch and came and joined us. Later we headed out for our nature walk. Sunny found .35 cents in which she put in her piggy bank, she collected acorns and sticks and threw Rocks in the ditch. Only one friend was outside, so I waited while sunny took turns riding his bike and then we were on our way.
Sunny is such a social butterfly. Everywhere we go, if kids are around, she must chat it up with them while I wait in the distance. I need to learn to be as friendly as she is.
I taught Sunny about looking both ways at intersections today. Each time we approached a yield or stop sign, Sunny would practice looking left, then right, then if no cars were coming, we would cross. I also taught her to freeze when a car was coming down the street and to stay on the sidewalk.
We stopped in to grab a blanket for sleeping Addy and Sunny grabbed her doll stroller and doll and took her doll for a walk alongside me. Reminded me of our favorite book about "Baby Dear"
My double stroller arrived today and we should have it put together this weekend.
Hopefully tomorrow is a nice, warm day. I hope I get better sleep tonight and feel Better tomorrow. I Still have some purging of my closet to get done.