
How to get her to listen & obey

A huge challenge I am facing is getting Sunny to listen. At home when its quiet and peaceful, she listens and obeys quite well. If I tell her it's quiet time and send her to her room with the stopwatch,  8/10 times she obeys me and will stay in her room and eventually fall asleep. This is a awesome strategy I thought of one day out of the blue.

HOWEVER, when Sunny gets with her friends and has fun,  she forgets about me, doesn't seem to hear me and this is a huge struggle.

Last week she ran off with Abraham after evening daycare at gym. They were holding hands and running off into the sunset together. I swear she didn't hear a word I said as I called her.

Today she ran off after church with her friend, Alexa, and having Adelaide with me I could not chase her down. This was a trial.

Sometimes I just want to give up. I know she's having fun with her friends. I remenv err being like her as a kid. I had a friend who was very fun. When she came over to play with me, we got wild together and our mom's couldn't restrain us either. I need to remember what 3.5 almost 4 years old feels like. They LOVE friendship at this age. They don't want adults interfering with their friends and adventures.

They have so much energy at this age. As MAD as I was about Sunny running off after church today, I remembered how I was with my friends at 4. I remind myself to not be too hard on her. She's full of life.

I know she won't always be this carefree, excited, giggly and free spirited. When Sunny is happy,  it makes me even happier. This is her age and I kind of love it.

This little one is enjoying her bumbo chair.

 I think I am going to start her on formula mixed with  oatmeal this week. Hopefully she'll sleep better at night.


Mango Salsa (see January archive on right for recipe)