Since turning 2, Sunny has been challenging me more and more. She has never been one who is submissive, but rather assertive. She has always been on the sassy side as well. Lately, she has become more defiant and disobedient. It could be that she wants control. I have been trying to reflect back on my school days and some behavior classes I took. I remember learning about using positive reinforcement to correct a negative and eliminating the word, "No" or "stop that" but rather use a positive before a negative like, "I love when you are kind ,can you please share your toy." I am definitely guilty of using negative reinforcement over positive. Often, I must think before I speak which is quite difficult for me. Nevertheless, I am working on it. Patience is not my strong point and I am definitely not the parent I envisioned myself before Sunny was born. But we all have room to improve. Everyday is a fresh start.

Today, we woke up and headed for a early morning walk to the park. We then came home, had lunch, did some housewife stuff, then headed to the park again.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Sunny doesn't take naps and still won't go to bed until at least 9 pm, so in all attempts to keep my house looking clean, getting out is the perfect solution. Sunny loves the water and today was muddy. I contemplated whether I should allow her to get in the mud. It's just another job for me, but then I thought, why not. If I were her age, I would want to do the same. Children will be children.

My words of wisdom for today are, Don't sweat the small stuff, but embrace the big stuff. If your house is always messy, be grateful you have a family to mess it up. I have found that when I don't sweat the small stuff, such as always trying to keep my house clean, and reflect on being a mother first and spending time with my child, I feel much more satisfaction then I do from keeping up with a huge to do list. If I fail one day, I know I can improve the next. Here's to fresh new beginnings each day. Children after all, live in the moment. They will not dwell on the past like we do.