Sunny loves the water, but only if she is free. If we hold her, she becomes irritable. This kid hates being tied down, which explains her hatred towards her high chair. She prefers eating while running around. That is a huge No in our household. When at the pool, we often hang in the wading toddler area so she is free to do as she pleases. We try to go to the pool once a week, and after water play, she comes home hungry,tired and ready for bed. Something about water always does the trick in relaxing her. Once we got home, she was diaperless and began to pee on carpet. I saw her doing it and then yelled, "hurry, run to potty, fast." She ran to potty and finished tinkling, right in it. Rodney and I cheered her on and kept praising her. I can't believe it. This was the first time she has ever used her potty. She did it. We are on our way to success, I hope.

Afterwards, she ate her left over mac n cheese from lunch, some brown rice with chopped meatballs (in which she picked out, she hates all meat) and a big cup of water. She had a bath and then was ready to go to sleep. Here are some pictures from our day.

My words of wisdom for today are, celebrate each success you observe everyday. Today, I celebrated Sunny reaching an important milestone of becoming potty trained. Celebration doesn't have to involve a huge party, but can just be a sense off inner satisfaction and accomplishment.

This guy is the best. I think we make a great team!