
Gratitude List

It's November, a month of Thanksgiving and gratitude. I decided to write a list of ten things I am grateful for.

1. The gospel- I don't think I would be who I am today or HAVE what I have today, without the gospel of Jesus Christ. It breaks my heart to see so many people in this world who don't have it or know what it's all about. I pray those missionaries will be able to reach those without it, and their hearts will be humble enough to learn.

2. Service- I feel so uplifted when I serve. I love my calling in church so much. I just can't ever be without it now.  When I am feeling down, service immediately builds me up.

3. My family. I feel so blessed to have a family. Most all my family and sisters, nieces, etc, all live in the same town as I do. They are not active in the church, but my prayers are with them.  I also am so thankful for my own Tracy family I am sealed to for eternity. I am so grateful for a loving husband and father and for my little girl. Sunny is my whole world.

4. Talents: I am grateful for my talents. I have neglected them for years, and I feel quite ashamed about it. My patriarchial blessings emphasizes my talents and how I need to stay true to them. I am so thankful for that extra push I was given to keep coming to ward choir. It is now one of the highlights of my Sunday.

5. Education: I am so thankful for education. Education doesn't have to be a degree. Education comes in many forms. Books are full of knowledge we can gain. The scriptures are another way we can educate ourselves and ponder answers.  I have set so many goals to read my scriptures, and I know I need to do better.

6. Modern Technology- I am suprised I am saying this, but I actually kind of like facebook. While I'm not one who believes in spending copious amounts of time on facebook,  I love the keeping in touch aspect it. Some may wonder why my husband and I have the same facebook account. The truth is, it was Rodney's account first and then I joined his account a year ago.  Before that. I never wanted a Facebook.   I wasn't sure if I would like it, so I just added my name onto his account (with his permission) so it looks like Rodney N Amy Tracy.  I think this may have confused some people as they never know who is saying what, lol.

7. Friends: When I moved back into this town, I was so excited to be here again.  I had always been going to that same chapel since I was born, then I went away to college and moved on.  To be back again is really nice. I know so many people from the past who watched me grow up.  I am so grateful for friends who aren't afraid to be themselves.

8. A house:  I feel so beyond blessed we found this tiny little house to live in, which so happens to be in the same ward boundaries as my mom. I feel I totally lucked out. This is a dream come true.

9. The temple:  I haven't been so long, again I feel horrible about it. The temple was something Rodney and I loved to go to, before Sunny was born. Now that I am a busy mama, I feel it so difficult to make time to go. Poorest excuse, I know. I am definately going to make time to go.

10. Health:  I feel so blessed to be in good health right now. When I was in high school, senior year, I had my first bout of fibromyalagia. It got so bad at times that I couldn't even sit down in a chair without feeling like I was going to die. It is an autoimmune issue that has to be controlled by diet and excerise. Through the years, I have managed it off and on. I can't eat dairy and I must have limited gluten, sugar, and chocolate (I LOVE chocolate). For awhile, I ate the paleo diet and felt the best I ever have in my entire life.
The paleo diet can be expensive, so I don't do it much now.  My cooking blog recipes are quite simple, but I have to make recipes that are low in sugar so I can manage my aches and pains. I feel it badly. There are a few ladies in the ward that suffer like I do, and this disease can make you quite miserable and in a lot of pain at times. I have learned to keep going.

So there is my top ten. I am so grateful for these things in my life.


Mango Salsa (see January archive on right for recipe)