

Earthing is wearing no shoes and touching the earth with your bare feet.

That is something I feel strongly about. Although I prefer sunny wear shoes outside, I know if she refuses, it won't be a big deal. Just lots of baths and dirty feet.
Sunny loves playing in the dirt. As long as it's not in her hair, I am cool with it. We got her sandbox set up and hopefully that will keep her out of the garden.

Today I picked up this stuff called fluff. It is feather light and white. It looks like snow. Sunny had a blast with it. I did not have a blast cleaning it up.

Pictures of her outside in the dirt. I think we are practically living outside with the awesome weather.  I love it.


Sunny does Chores

Yes, it's true. My little one is doing chores for me. Hooray!  Today she helped put silverware away with no help from me. She had fun. This is the age where they like to help.

One day when she is a teen and no longer likes doing chores, I will show her these pictures .

So ever since Addy was born (for reference,  I am too lazy to write her entire name out, but we do not plan to call her "Addy") I have had the worse sweet tooth.  I can't stay away from the sweets. I can't even gain weight. If I don't have sweets, I crave them, which leads me to going to get them. Before Addy, I did not have a sweet tooth very much.

I've been thinking alot about going further with this blog. Every time I get serious about it, I stop myself.  I just don't feel I can get ahead without a good camera and some good footage.  However I feel overwhelmed at the idea of how to take quality pictures,  edit them, make them top notch and get people interested. It seems mind boggling. And do I have the time? Nope. Toddler doesn't nap ever and baby is a night owl. Okay, forget I even mentioned my blogging goals. Never mind.

Today was fun. Stopped into the nursery,  got my favorite house plants that seem to survive no matter what, got Sunny some flowers for outside,  headed to town for errands, home, dinner and now heading to bed.

My Top Favorite Photos Round Up

I have some really great photos and some pretty poor quality ones too. I have not developed any of these photos. I need to get on it. Here are my top favorites since Addy was born,  in no particular order.

This last one was of Addy's baby blessing. Sunny was too busy playing to get in the photo with us. I realize how much Addy has changed looking through these pictures. And the one of me pregnant,  I just want to cry. I miss and love pregnancy so much.

I love being able to capture moments. Even though I have hundreds of photos stored, I love constantly taking more. Memories can fade, but photos recapture those memories.


Making Dreams Into A Reality

I remember when I was 29 and still unmarried thinking it may not ever happen. I can be quite pessimistic and at the time I was. I dated a lot but didn't find that spark.  I remember one particular night feeling more hopeless about ever finding Mr. Right then I ever had.

I ended up meeting Rodney exactly 3 weeks later, getting engaged less then 2 months later, and married 2 months after that.

If anyone ever told me it would happen,  I would of laughed.  Life has a way of surprising you and working out for the best. Heavenly Father has a plan for each of us on his own timetable.

Paying tithing and fast offering has always. Been important to us in our marriage.  One of the traits I have always admired in Rodney is his strong desire to give. Whether it be to tithing, charity, or through service, Rodney is extremely dedicated.  He has been the example to me.

Another trait I admire about Rodney is his diligence at applying the prophets council into his own life.
Rodney has never used a credit card. He had zero debt when we were married.  He always worked hard and was able to pay for school himself. Almost 8 years into our marriage,  he still has never touched a credit card.

My dream was to live a debt free marriage and I am so proud to say that it's a reality for us.  I know i sound like a broken record because I mention this occassionally, but i want my kids who will read this ssomeday to follow in our footsteps.
 Sure there are temptations. Once in awhile we talk about how nice it would be to have a brand new spacious vehicle for our family, but then we disregard the idea because having no debt feels better then a car payment would.

We do face tempation often. We see nice things others have, but we decided we prefer to live minimal. In other words, we like increasing our savings account rather then spend it.  We decided one vacation a year was plenty.

I am so grateful for a man who teaches me through example.  This really is my dream turned reality.

In other news, today was rather chilly so we missed our nature walk.  But we did see friends at the gym and got our social fix today.

We also made homemade chocolate chip cookies and Applesauce, raisin and carrot muffins. Sunny loves to bake.

I cannot find my Easter decor stuff anywhere. Where on earth did I put it.?AAARG.  While looking, we found some tinkertoys and Sunny was able to build a ferris wheel with her dad.

And here is a picture from today. It was too windy so we didn't walk far.


Mango Salsa (see January archive on right for recipe)