
10 New Fall Goals

Okay, it's not fall yet, but the air, it's feeling a little crisp lately. I can feel it. I am excited.

I like to set goals. I don't reach many of them. But, I still like to set them. Yesterday, I wrote a post about my newborn fears and how affirmations and prayer can strengthen me.  Here are 10 more goals I am striving to work on now.

1. Read or listen to scriptures at least 10 minutes a day.
I am doing very well with this. I actually listen to my scriptures on audio and usually lay there, paint my nails, or fold laundry.  Best thing ever.

2. Attend temple. This one is hard. I can't get anyone to babysit. Seriously frustrating when we both yearn for the temple so bad. Rodney and I haven't been on a temple or date in years I think.

3. Stop cursing. Yes, I admitted to something nobody would expect from me. Damn, hell, ass and shit are so ladylike Amy!!

4. E xcersise 3-4 times a week.
I am doing great at this one, I just can't stop after I get huge or post partum. No excuses.

5. Cut down on sugar. Seriously, this is so hard. Sometimes it feels impossible.

6. Finish all my crochet projects. I have a problem with starting then stopping.

7. Put my device away. No internet except on weekends, except to blog. If I do use internet, only 10 minutes allowed a day.
This goal I do well on.

8. Have dinner ready at same time each week night. By being consistant, I can make it to gym at set time, sunny gets her playtime and Rodney gets study time.

9.  Get visiting teaching done at first of month, not last day. I LOVE visiting people. I love looking at how people decorate their homes. I love when my VT's come to see me.

10. Read 3 or more books a month. So far, I have two left to go.

So, there are my 10 goals. I have much more, but I think starting with 10 for now is best.


Mango Salsa (see January archive on right for recipe)