
2 Months

How is Olivia already 2 months? These last two months have been pure joy. Of course there are challenges associated with having a new baby, but I would really like to focus on mostly the positives here.
Olivia is starting to sleep better at night and not so much during the day anymore. Actually, hardly long naps at all, mainly cat naps.  A nap is a nap and I'll take it.

She has acid reflux really bad. Ya, that's spit up right during the picture.
She spits up all the time where a bib is mandatory. Somedays it is so bad we go through several bibs and changes of cloathes. Acid reflux is common and she should outgrow it in a couple months, hopefully.  I have spit up on my carpet that I need a deep cleaning one day.

She takes formula in a bottle. I really love Enfamil Enspire the best, but it's very expensive.  She doesn't do well with other formulas. She nurses at night and a little during day. I have my problems with nursing and am so close to quitting. I just can't seem to do it.

She loves to be held. This can become a problem, I know. Everytime we put her down she fusses until she's held again.  Then she's happy.

She loves stroller walks. I stroll her around the gym track and it puts her to sleep.

She loves to be sang to. Part of the sleep training I am doing this time is putting her in her crib while she is awake, not nursing her to sleep.

She prefers to sleep while elevated, never flat.  She also loves tummy time and would prefer to sleep on tummy at night if it weren't forbidded.

She has hardly any hair. Most of it is in back.

She had her first cold at a month, caught from her sister, then I caught it too. That was rough.

She sleeps with a humidifier due to really bad stuffy nose in morning. She hates when we use the nasel aspirater on her. Can't blame her.

Vaccines are coming up. I always stagger her vaccines apart. It is a personal choice and I respect how others choose to do their child. My feelings on vaccines are quite controversial and I usually keep this to myself.  I am thankful for them but I do not believe in overloading an infants system with what doctors recommend.

Anyways, that's all for now. 3 months is sure to creep up soon. What a fun age.

Happy Two Months my love.


Mango Salsa (see January archive on right for recipe)