
4 Months Old & Day 4 Weening

I have a perfect 4 month old.

She's growing up too fast. It's killing me. I want her to stay a newborn.  Well maybe. I am kind of thrilled she's 4 months. This is a FUN age. It really is.

Last night went better then I thought. I was preparing myself for long stretches of crying. But, that never happened. I made her a bottle and she accepted it and fell asleep. I had to pump as I was so sore. How do people dry up. It kills.

She is doing so much better today. The first 48 hours were the hardest, but she has accepted the bottle full time now and I am thrilled. I can already feel myself feeling Vetter, lighter, happier. Nursing really does take a lot out of me. It's great to be back to me.

Adelaide is rolling, smiling, giggling a little, and loves when anyone sits on the floor to play with her.

She dislikes when everyone leaves the room and she's alone, even for a short moment. She feels secure with people around.

She loves taking a bath every night.  It calms her and she falls asleep much faster.

She still loves her swing.  She loves bright colors and playing with sister.

Happy 4 months my love.


Mango Salsa (see January archive on right for recipe)